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au Sacré-Cœur

Salésiens de Don Bosco - Battersea

« Dans le cœur de Jésus, « nous acquérons la vraie chaleur de l'amour de Dieu, non seulement pour nous-mêmes, mais aussi pour être partagé avec les autres. » Don Bosco

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Sacred Heart Sunday Homily & Bidding Prayers
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 Sacred Heart Church Videos

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Fr Steven Lloyd's First Mass Celebration - 16th July 2023 - St James' Church Bootle - Liverpool

Fr Steven Lloyd's First Mass Celebration - 16th July 2023 - St James' Church Bootle - Liverpool

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Fr Steven Lloyd's Ordination Service - Saturday 15 July 2023 at St James' Church, Bootle, Liverpool.

Fr Steven Lloyd's Ordination Service - Saturday 15 July 2023 at St James' Church, Bootle, Liverpool.

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Sacred Heart Communion 2023

Sacred Heart Communion 2023

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Sacred Heart Church Photographs
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Sacred Heart Planned Giving & Stewardship Drive
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Salesian World News
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Prayer Request
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Light your own candle, click here to make a prayer request.
Our Parish team and community will pray with you for your intentions.

Salesian Community  Battersea

We pray for the good health of Brother John Finegan SDB, as he is recovering from a knee operation. We ask you to keep him in your prayers.

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Please pay the National Westminster Bank

Account number: 66707749

Sort Code: 502101

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Église du Sacré-Cœur,  Trott Street, Battersea, SW11 3DS Londres |  |  Tél. : +44 020 7223 2747

 Heures d'ouverture: Lun - Ven: 9h-12h,​​ Samedi : 18h-20h,​ Dimanche : 8h30 - 13h00


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